Gasl2017 agenda

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Global Agenda for Sustainable Livestock 7th Multi-stakeholder Partnership (MSP) Meeting

8–12 May 2017, Addis Ababa

Organizer's agenda

Hashtags: #SustLivestock and #Livestock4Dev

Program summary - Download File:gasl-msp7_program_summary.pdf

Monday 08 May Tuesday 09 May Wednesday 10 May Thursday 11 May Friday 12 May Saturday 13 May Additional day
Official Opening

The Global Agenda for Sustainable Livestock

Overview of the program and objectives
Lessons from sustainability science Learning tours: On the ground benefits from livestock-based solutions On the ground benefits from livestock-based solutions: lessons and gaps from the tours Achieving multiple benefits through livestock-based solutions: synthesis
across the whole event

Official closure
Special meetings
^ Livestock-based solutions: case studies (interactive sessions) ^ Regional policy forum: Livestock-based solutions for sustainable development in Africa Cluster meetings ^
Lunch Lunch ^ Lunch Lunch Lunch
Sustainability science and practice: measuring and guiding progress
* Keynote presentation
* Interactive session on practical models and tools to help achieve sustainable livestock-based solutions
Livestock-based solutions: case studies (interactive sessions) ^ Overview of ILRI

Buses to ILRI

Sharefair: Showcasing livestock-based solutions for sustainable development (ILRI campus)
Guiding group meeting

Other participants: Optional tour of Addis Ababa
Special meetings
^ Livestock-based solutions: lessons and gaps from the cases ^ ^ ^ ^
^ Open space Open space ^ Open space ^
Ethiopian dinner and cultural event (sponsored) Dinner (sponsored) Dinner (sponsored) Reception at ILRI campus (sponsored) Closing reception (sponsored)

Full Agenda - Download

Monday 08 May Responsible person(s)
0830 Registration (also on Sunday afternoon, details tbc)
1000 Official opening Welcome (XXX)
Inaugural address (HE prime minister of Ethiopia)
Keynote address (HE minister of livestock and fisheries, Ethiopia)
Welcome remarks (DG FAO,ADG FAO, DG ILRI)
Susan – blogging/reporting

Paul – photos and tweets
Liya – tweets
Apollo – photos and videos (work with Pascal)
Chi – tweets
1130 The Global Agenda for Sustainable Livestock Introduction to the Global Agenda for Sustainable Livestock by Fritz Schneider.
1200 MSP7: Program overview Objectives of the meeting and how the program is set up to achieve these. Local Task Force leadership; Peter Ballantyne
(facilitation team)
1230 Lunch
1400 Sustainability science and practice: measuring and guiding progress Introduction by Henning Steinfeld: ‘Evolving framework for sustainability relating to livestock‘ (tbc) Susan – blogging/reporting

Paul – photos and tweets
Liya – tweets
Apollo – photos
Chi – tweets
1445 Introduction to the interactive session after the break
1500 Break
1530 Interactive session: Models and tools to help measure, guide and achieve sustainable livestock-based solutions The session aims to expose participants to a range of tools and models and what they can offer in terms of measuring progress towards achieving sustainable development through livestock-based solutions.

It aims to address overall objectives 1 of the event: to share and discuss progress made in the development of tools and models to monitor sustain- able livestock sector development.
Paul – blogging/reporting

Susan – photos and tweets
Liya – tweets
Apollo – photos
Chi – tweets
1730 Close
1830 Transport from hotels to dinner
1900 Ethiopian dinner and cultural event (sponsored by the Government of Ethiopia)

Tuesday 09 May Responsible person(s)
0830 Day 2 update and planning
0845 Models and tools to help measure, guide and achieve sustainable livestock-based solutions – Report back Feedback, consolidation and next steps from the day 1 interactive work on tools and models. In terms of 1) significant opportunities, 2) what the gaps are. Paul – blogging/reporting

Susan – photos and tweets
Liya – tweets
Apollo – photos
Chi – tweets
1000 Introduction to the interactive session after the break
1015 Break
1045 Interactive session: case studies of sustainable live- stock-based solutions Through several examples from action networks, this session aims to examine how multi-stakeholder, multi-disciplinary engagement produces outputs, outcomes and impact on one or more SDGs.
It aims to address overall objectives 2 and 3 of the event: to articulate lessons from successful examples of practise change towards sustainable livestock systems; and to identify opportunities and challenges that must be addressed to ensure multiple benefits accrue from sustainable livestock development.
Susan – blogging/reporting

Paul – photos and tweets
Liya – tweets
Apollo – photos
Chi – tweets
Lunch sponsor remarks
Heifer International
1400 Interactive session: case studies of sustainable live- stock-based solutions
1530 Break
1600 Case studies of sustainable livestock-based solutions – report back Feedback, consolidation and next steps from the case studies per SDG. In terms of 1) what worked well, 2) what failed, and 3) what the gaps are. Susan – blogging/reporting

Paul – photos and tweets
Liya – tweets
Apollo – photos
Chi – tweets
1700 Open Space Informal networking, meet-ups
1800 Dinner (sponsored by XXXX) Hilton Hotel

Wednesday 10 May Responsible person(s)
Early morning Depart for learning tours: On the ground benefits from live- stock-based solutions The learning tours will provide an opportunity for participants to learn from on-the-ground experiences of translating livestock-based solutions into development impacts at local level.
Each tour will be aligned to link the solutions it presents with SDGs (as much as possible).
North Shoa – Debre Berhan: Smallholder feed production, dairy production, milk collection and processing and research on small ruminants
North Shoa – Yaya Gulele: Farmer training centre, smallholder feed production, milk collection and processing
AddisAbabaandWestShoa:NationalArtificialInseminationCentre,Bulldamdairyfarm,Holetta Agricultural Research Centre, Sebeta Fisheries Research Centre and National Animal Health Diagnostic InvestigationCentre.
East Shoa – Adami Tulu: Cattle production and fattening for domestic and export, Adami Tulu Agricultural Research Centre
East Shoa – Adama: Cattle and camel fattening for domestic and export markets, export Abattoirs, Beza Honey Processing Plant
EastShoa–Ada:PublicLivestockInstitutions,NationalVeterinaryInstitute,DebreZeitAgricultural Research Centre, Ethiopian Meat and Dairy IndustryTechnology Institute
East Shoa – Debre Zeit: Commercial Livestock (dairy and poultry) production, milk processing, organic vegetable production, manure management, linkage with smallholder dairy producers (genesis farms)
East Shoa – Ada: Commercialization of livestock production, meat processing, feed processing
Paul and Chi – blogging/reporting

Liya – tweets
Apollo – photos
Susan – tweets

Apollo and Paul to join two of the tours
plant and links with smallholder farms through input supply and marketing
East Shoa – Ada: Smallholder women apiculturists, Smallholder Dairy Cooperative, smallholder
dairy farms (women), milk collection, quality control, milk processing plant
Misraq Shewa – Bora: Access to improved feeds by smallholders; Improving poor quality feeds
with modern technologies; Engaging rural women in poultry small businesses
1700 Return to Hilton – Open space Informal networking, meet-ups
1800 Reception (sponsored by XXXX) Hilton Hotel
ING – members only
Hilton Hotel

Thursday 11 May Responsible person(s)
0830 Day 4 update and planning
0845 On the ground benefits from livestock-based solutions – report back Feedback, consolidation and next steps from the learning tours per SDG. In terms of 1) what worked well, 2) what failed, and 3) what the gaps are. Paul and Chi – blogging/reporting

Liya – tweets
Apollo – photos
Susan – tweets
0945 Break
1015 Regional policy forum: Livestock-based solutions for sustainable development in Africa – Moderated by Brian Perry TheAfricanUnionhasin2015launchedTheLivestock Development Strategy for Africa (2015 – 2035) which was subsequently supported by ministers throughout the continent. Here, ministers of agriculture and livestock will explore the key policy issues that will influence the sustainable development of the livestock sector and its contribution to national economic and development ambitions. Includes HLPEcontributions. Susan – blogging/reporting

Paul – tweets
Liya – tweets
Apollo – photos
Chi – tweets
Lunch sponsor remarks Press room
Overview of ILRI
Explanation of the Sharefair
Jimmy Smith
Process introduction on what to expect and what to deliver
1430/40 Depart for ILRI campus
1530 Sharefair: Showcasing livestock-based solutions for sustainable development Marketplace where participants and others showcase, demonstrate and introduce live- stock-based solutions for sustainable development.
Interactive ‘sharefair stands’ organised by SDG. Participants will initially follow guided paths then move into informal networking and sharing.
James – blogging/reporting

Paul – photos and tweets
Liya – tweets
Apollo – photos
Chi – tweets
Susan – tweets
1800 Reception at ILRI (sponsored by ILRI)
2000 Depart for hotels

Friday 12 May Responsible person(s)
0830 Achieving multiple benefits through livestock-based Interactive session to consolidate the key learnings from all the sessions to: Ewen and Susan– blogging/reporting

Paul – photos and tweets
Liya – tweets
Apollo – photos
Chi – tweets
Susan – tweets
solutions – Lessons and priorities Provide participants with new tools and opportunities
to take away and apply articulate future actions for the Global Agenda (as a whole, and for clusters)
1000 Official close of the meeting Closing remarks from key ministry and host officials and the chair of the Global Agenda.
Announcement of offers for the venue for the next
Susan – blogging/reporting

Paul – photos and tweets
Liya – tweets
Apollo – photos
Chi – tweets
1045 Break
1100 GASL Cluster meetings Each of the seven clusters of the Global Agenda will have an opportunity to meet with existing and potential new members. The Global Agenda secretariat will provide guidance on key topics to be addressed and reported from these meetings.
1300 Lunch
Guiding group meeting The guiding group of the Global Agenda is the guidance and decision making body and it will hold a half day meeting.
1400 Optional
tours of Addis Ababa
1700 Return to Hilton – Open
Informal networking, meet-ups
1800 Closing reception (sponsored by XXXX) Hilton
Announcement of the venue for the next MSP meeting